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Student dies at South Auckland school Kia Aroha College

A medical issue led to the death of a youngster at a school in South Auckland. At around 10.30 on Friday morning, the incident took place at Kia Aroha College in Clover Park. Around 11 a.m., as teachers were entering an urgent meeting to assess the situation, a Kia Aroha College spokesperson verified the medical event to the Herald. Soon after, Kia Aroha College’s principal, Haley Milne, posted on Facebook that a student had passed away.

South Auckland school

Here’s some background information

In New Zealand, 580 persons every year die by suicide, many of the students. Three out of every five student suicides between 2007 and 2019 that were examined by Stuff had no documented mental health issues. How can at-risk pupils be assisted when there are no warning signs?

student dies due to suicide


The causes of the kids’ sorrow were many and diverse, and in the majority of cases, it was impossible to pinpoint an exact cause for their odd statement. However, difficulties in school, money issues, the isolation of international students, the breakdown of relationships, mental illness diagnosis, and feelings of loneliness were frequently highlighted as contributing causes in the student’s findings.

Affect of these incidents on people

The death of a small kid is not an easy pill to swallow. It’s not only hard for the parents but also for the people around them. All the people around could get affected by this sort of incident. The sorrow flies in the air and everyone has to smell its scent. Especially when these things start to happen in schools, it becomes a lot harder for people to trust educational institutions as well. Parents send their children to study in school, not to die!

The importance of parent-child communication

All children need is someone they could trust and someone who could truly understand the, and if, they cannot trust their parents in that, where should they go? Therefore, it is the responsibility of every good parent to communicate with their children. Not always will they be able to explain their problems but you have to understand them no matter what. Based on the way their parents interact with them, children start to build thoughts and beliefs about who they are. Parents appreciate their children by having effective communication with them. Then, which boosts self-esteem, kids start to feel that their parents are listening to and understanding them.

Effective communication saves lives!

It is crucial for parents to be able to interact with their kids in an honest and effective manner. Every family member benefits from open and effective communication, not only the kids. When parents and their kids communicate well, relationships between them get much better. Strong relationships also result from good communication between parents and their kids. Children observe their parents to learn how to communicate. Therefore, if you see your small kid doing an unusual activity just communicate with them. Maybe it could save his life in the long run!

When there is something that needs to be anticipated, modified, or protected, children and teenagers experience stress. When something important to them is in jeopardy, they become anxious. Even when a change is for the best, stress is frequently the result.  Stress serves a function. Probably serves as a cue to prepare, something big is about to happen!

Steps parents can take

Most parents want their kids to be successful and happy. However, our own ideas of success and happiness might not be relevant to our kids.

It can be challenging to keep in mind that your child is a unique individual and not an imitation or mirror of you.

You might pressure your children to make different decisions as a result of certain parenting experiences.

Parents frequently generalize what success and perfection are based on how other children behave. This way, kids are burdened by increased expectations in a variety of areas where they don’t have personal interests, such as sports, music, the arts, etc., in addition to academics. Therefore, parents continue to push the limits without considering a student’s overall development, which ultimately causes stress, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and suicide.

The Auckland case

A Year 8 student’s death this week on the premises of an Auckland intermediate school was verified by the principal. The school where a child had died had called the police, according to the police, at around 2:00 on Tuesday.

According to a spokeswoman, the coroner had been contacted about the situation.

On Tuesday evening, Wilson informed the 570 parents of the school’s students of the tragedy in a statement. Children who were deeply affected by the news, according to Wilson, were urged to seek counsel from the school guidance staff or senior leadership.

Te Rai Raro’s Hautu (leader) for the Ministry of Education, Isabel Evans, stated that the traumatic incident team was assisting the leadership team of the school and would be available for as long as needed.

On Thursday morning, a kaumatua blessed the school, according to Wilson, who spoke to the Herald.

The National Initial Investigation Office had received a report of a child’s death, the coroner’s office said. A spokeswoman said there was no additional information available.

The reaction of other parents

Some parents’ first reaction following a traumatic occurrence was to pretend it did not happen in order to protect their children, according to psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald, who specializes in childhood trauma. On the other hand, some parents felt they had to bring up the subject immediately and have a conversation with their kids about it.

 “Neither extreme is particularly useful,” he said. “It’s about letting your kids know they can talk about anything that’s bothering them and being straightforward about it. These are the exact words that he said regarding this tragic incident. He added, “But feeling like you have to sit them down and talk about it and make sure they’re ok can actually make a bigger deal for them.”

But after such an occurrence, he advised parents to pay close attention to their kids because they didn’t always explicitly communicate their feelings.