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What is the failure rate of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam?


Are you planning to take the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam? It’s a challenging test that requires comprehensive knowledge and skills in designing, deploying, and maintaining scalable, highly available systems on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform. However, passing this exam is not as easy as it seems. Many people face obstacles along the way that cause them to fail. In this blog post, we will explore the failure rate of the aws solution architect associate exam dumps and provide tips on how to pass it successfully. So let’s dive into the world of AWS certification!

What is the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam?

The AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam is a certification offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for professionals who want to validate their skills in designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on the AWS platform. The exam measures an individual’s proficiency in various aspects of cloud architecture such as designing solutions using AWS services, selecting appropriate architectures based on customer requirements, and estimating costs related to implementing those architectures.

To take this exam, candidates must have prior experience with AWS technologies and services. It is recommended that individuals prepare for the test by studying relevant materials from the official AWS training course or other reputable sources.

The exam consists of 65 multiple-choice questions that must be completed within 130 minutes. The passing score for this exam is 720 out of 1000 points. Upon successful completion of the exam, individuals earn the title of “AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate” which can help them advance their careers in cloud computing.

Taking the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam requires dedication and preparation but can lead to numerous career opportunities in the rapidly growing field of cloud computing.

The failure rate of the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam

The AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam is notoriously difficult, and the failure rate reflects this. According to recent statistics, the average failure rate for this exam is approximately 40%. This may seem discouraging, but it’s important to remember that passing the exam requires a deep understanding of complex cloud architecture concepts and practical application.

There are several reasons why people fail this exam. One common reason is lack of preparation or studying with outdated materials. The AWS platform is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on new features and services. Another reason for failure could be overconfidence in one’s knowledge, leading to underestimating the difficulty level of questions or not reading instructions carefully enough.

It’s also worth noting that nerves can play a role in failing the exam. Test anxiety can cause even well-prepared individuals to forget key information or make careless mistakes.

To increase your chances of passing the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam, it’s essential to approach studying strategically. Start by identifying your weak areas and focusing extra attention on them. Use current study materials provided by reputable sources like Amazon Web Services themselves or other trusted learning platforms.

Take advantage of practice exams as much as possible before taking the actual test – they help familiarize you with testing conditions and boost confidence levels going into test day.

Why do people fail the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam?

There are several reasons why people fail the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam. One of the most common reasons is a lack of preparation. Many candidates underestimate the complexity and depth of knowledge required to pass this exam, thinking that their prior experience with AWS will be enough.

Another reason for failure is not understanding the key concepts and services covered in the exam. Candidates who have only worked on a limited number of AWS services may find it challenging to answer questions that require knowledge beyond their area of expertise.

Time management can also be an issue for some test-takers. The AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam consists of 65 multiple-choice questions that must be answered within 130 minutes, which means you have just over two minutes per question. If you spend too much time on difficult questions, you may run out of time before you finish all the questions.

Moreover, poor test-taking skills can lead to failure as well. Candidates who struggle with reading comprehension or interpreting technical diagrams may find it hard to understand some questions in the exam.

Stress and anxiety can greatly affect performance during exams like these. It’s important to stay calm and focused while taking this test since losing concentration or panicking could result in failing despite having adequate knowledge about AWS Services

How to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam

If you’re planning to take the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam, it’s important to be prepared. Here are some tips on how to pass the exam:

1. Understand the Exam Format: The AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam is a multiple-choice test that lasts for 130 minutes. Before taking the exam, make sure you understand its format and structure.

2. Study and Practice: Proper preparation is key when it comes to passing any certification exam, including this one. Make use of study materials such as online courses, practice exams, books and whitepapers from Amazon official site.

3. Focus on core areas: The core topics covered in this certification include designing highly available systems on AWS; migrating complex multi-tier applications into AWS environments; choosing appropriate instance types and storage options based on workload requirements; etc., so focus your efforts accordingly.

4. Take Mock Exams: Taking practice tests can help identify areas where more study may be needed prior to taking the actual test.

5. Manage Your Time Efficiently: During the actual test, managing time effectively is crucial since there are only two hours allotted for answering all questions.

Remember that passing any certification exam requires dedication, hard work and commitment towards your goal of becoming an expert cloud architect!


To sum up, the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam is a challenging certification that requires proper preparation and dedication. The failure rate of this exam is relatively high due to its complexity and comprehensive scope.

However, with thorough study and practice, passing the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam is achievable. Understanding why people fail this exam can help you avoid making similar mistakes.

By following our tips on how to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam, you will increase your chances of success. Remember to stay focused, keep track of time during the test, review all relevant materials before taking it again if necessary, and seek help from experts or online resources when needed you could try this dumps.

Don’t be discouraged by the high failure rate; instead, use it as motivation to work harder towards achieving your certification goals. Good luck!